If there were two poles, the compass would not be able to spin.
This is a great introductory video, because it also introduces you to the polar projection map used for all navigation. This is the so-called flat earth map, and it was around before the globe was invented. This map is the actual layout of the land, and used in flight school! Flight paths only make sense on this map, especially emergency landings! The so-called flat earth map is also known as "The Air Map Of The World" and it became popular (and necessary) once air travel took off. It is not a "projection of a globe" as deniers claim, but the exact opposite, the globe is based on it. Maps from hundreds of years ago show Antarctica as a ring around the continents, and this is the ice-wall that holds the waters of the oceans. Antarctica has the highest elevation of any land mass.
This is a great introductory video, because it also introduces you to the polar projection map used for all navigation. This is the so-called flat earth map, and it was around before the globe was invented. This map is the actual layout of the land, and used in flight school! Flight paths only make sense on this map, especially emergency landings! The so-called flat earth map is also known as "The Air Map Of The World" and it became popular (and necessary) once air travel took off. It is not a "projection of a globe" as deniers claim, but the exact opposite, the globe is based on it. Maps from hundreds of years ago show Antarctica as a ring around the continents, and this is the ice-wall that holds the waters of the oceans. Antarctica has the highest elevation of any land mass.
Best time to see sunset in Antarctica is Dec. & Jan. Never a 24 hour sun!
That's also the best time to see the fake 24 hour sun in Antarctica!
Good-bye globe!💋
This was filmed in January. The original video was uploaded Feb. 5th. (You can see in the intro, they are wishing you a "happy and safe 2019 from the bottom of the world.") This is supposed to be the best time of year to film a 24 hour sun in Antarctica! What a complete joke!
Video 2. SW sunset Ross Island 78° S January means 24 hour sun in Antarctica is impossible
78° S
SW SUNSETS IN ANTARCTICA DEBUNKS GLOBE because SUN IS GOING COUNTERCLOCKWISE and because Dec Jan is THE BEST TIME to see one. Happens at the same time as the fake 24 hour Antarctic sun.😂
About 5 years ago, as of 2025, a time lapse from the east coast of Australia at 32° S showed that looking south, SE sunrise & SW sunsets diverge from each other, and the sun is moving RIGHT to LEFT, counterclockwise.
And, you turn around at noon to face north, and see the sun in front of you. The converging sunrise and sunset paths in front of you, tell you that you are facing the light source. And it is arcing away from you, counterclockwise.
The argument he is using is that when we look north from south of Capricorn (the far south) the sun is moving counterclockwise, as expected on a globe, where the sun always goes clockwise when looking south.
He did not notice the diverging SE sunrise & SW sunset paths and that the sun does not go clockwise when looking south, in the far south, south of Capricorn. Sun goes counterclockwise when looking south, in the far south.—And that's the end of the globe!
He showed that the sun moves counterclockwise when you face north and when you face south, in the far south. When you face south the paths diverge. When you face north the paths converge in front of you. This can only be explained with a circling sun that spirals between the Tropics, over a Gleason map. And a reflective dome.
Jake was fooled into believing in a clockwise sun when looking south, in the far south, south of Capricorn, which is always the case on a globe, but not in reality.
SE sunrise & SW sunsets in the far south show a counterclockwise sun. For a globe, that means, in the far south, the earth must spin clockwise!
The "globe" would have to be spinning in two opposite directions at the same time!
Just like a Rubik's Cube!😜
SW sunsets are observed as far south as you can go.
What used to be considered a death blow to the classic flat earth model, turns out to be one of its strongest proofs! Now you know exactly why.
Video 3. Antarctica SW sunsets debunks globe best time to see one is Dec Jan at same time as fake 24 hour sun
Video 3 (above) shows you actual proof of SW sunsets as far south as you can go. It includes matching observations by early explorers (a copy of what they said, is also reprinted in the HISTORICAL RECORD section below). The video starts at 32° S on the east coast of Australia, showing a signature 'SE sunrise', signature 'SW sunset' and signature 'looking north at noon to see the sun'. This is the strongest proof of the flat earth model, a small local circling sun that spirals between the two Tropics, over a Gleason map and a reflective dome. There is no other possible explanation.
Smoking guns from Australia clip (first clip in Video 3): We see a DIVERGING, STRAIGHT LINE PATH, of a COUNTERCLOCKWISE moving sun, while looking south in the far south. The defunct "globe" predicts the EXACT OPPOSITE of reality!—CONVERGING, ARCHED PATH, of a CLOCKWISE moving sun.
Table 1. Perspectives of a Circling Sun
Sun's path in the sky before & after high noon Dec Jan in the far south south of Capricorn | Converging /\ | Diverging \ / |
Facing sun (north) Light source (circling sun) in front of you R-L counterclockwise | Yes | No |
Facing reflection on dome (south) Light source (circling sun) behind you R-L counterclockwise | No | Yes |
Thus, when you look south, in the far south, to see the sun rise and set, sunrise and sunset paths of the sun diverge \ / because the light source is circling behind you. The north half of the sun's circuit is reflected by the dome. Diverging is seasonal, and follows the sun as it spirals between the Tropics.
They would have to converge /\ if you were actually facing a light source. You see exactly this, when you look north, around noon, to see the sun.
In other words, while you face south, in the far south, the sunrise and sunset paths converge BEHIND YOU! Because that's where the sun is. Sun "antarcs" away from you in the Antarctic. Sun arcs around you in the Arctic.
A circling sun over a Gleason map is reality.
A circling sun + A Gleason Map + A reflective dome = A working model
Seasonal Diverging sunrise and sunset paths prove it.
Can you explain diverging SE sunrise & SW sunset?
Yes! A circling sun and a reflective dome!
Looking north or south, same Right-Left counterclockwise SE sunrise (red path). What you see south, is north half of sun's path or circuit (black path) reflected by dome (red). |
You are looking at the north half of the sun's circuit. It is reflected by the dome. Thus, if you could look north and see that part, the sun would be going lower LEFT to upper RIGHT. And a simple reflection by the dome makes it appear RIGHT to LEFT in the south. And thus, counterclockwise is preserved.
Video 4. DIVERGING SE sunrise SW sunsets Dec Jan ANTARCTICA reflect north part of sun circuit NO 24 HOUR SUN
Video 5. ONLY A CIRCLING SUN REFLECTION counterclockwise diverging SE sunrise SW sunset Dec Jan in Antarctica
Video 6. SE sunrise and SW sunsets in the far south PROVE A CIRCLING SUN REFLECTION
No other possible explanation, for LOOKING SOUTH at the diverging COUNTERCLOCKWISE paths of sunrise and sunset, in the far south, and looking north to see them converge in front of you around noon. It only works on a Gleason map with a circling sun. And a reflective dome.
Debunked argument against circling sun.
This is the ultimate debunk of the fake diagram.
diverging azimuth angles prove light source is behind you
Video 7. Jake Debunk diverging azimuth angles prove light source is behind you
"Jake" claims there is no circling Sun because south of the Tropic of Capricorn, the Sun APPEARS TO rise from the SE and set in the SW (yellow arrow in diagram below). The yellow arrow is drawn as if the observer is facing a clockwise moving light source, while looking south. It depicts SE sunrise and SW sunset as one continuous path, converging at noon, in front of the observer.
[The Fake Diagram Debunks Itself]
The yellow arrow is a fraud!
It should point the other way! It should curve the other way too!
And, it shouldn't be one continuous path.
SE sunrise and SW sunset paths never CONVERGE IN FRONT OF YOU, in the far south.
Because, the actual sun circles behind you, not in front you. That's why you have to look north at noon, to see the sun.
The fake diagram is only possible with two suns. One going clockwise (yellow arrow) while you look south, and one counterclockwise (red loop) while you look north, to see NE sunrise and NW sunsets! LoL!
A total debunk of Jake's claims. The diagram above, shows the diverging path of SE sunrise & SW sunsets, in the far south. |
In the far south, sunrise and sunset paths converge behind you while you look south. That's why you look north around noon, to see the sun (where it actually is all day). You look north around noon to see the converging sun paths in front of you, in the far south.
The only way a south facing observer in the far south can see diverging SE sunrise & SW sunsets is WITH A CIRCLING SUN BEHIND HIM. |
During the making of Video 3 (above) I noticed the diverging SE & SW sunrise & sunset angles, while watching a time lapse from the east coast of Australia 32° S. It was my first time seeing such a perfect and complete tracking of the sun in the far south. The guy who made the Australia video thought he was debunking flat earth. Instead, he produced a reference video like no other! Proving the classic flat earth model of a circling sun over a Gleason map. A circling sun that spirals between the Tropics is ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED to explain SE sunrise and SW sunsets and looking north at noon to see the sun in the far south (south of Capricorn).
"The Final Experiment" (TFE) debunked itself.
Doomed to failure.
A bunch of actors who claimed they were in Antarctica in December (2024) released a video from there on December 14th. They showed the usual fake sun moving backwards (counterclockwise) all day. This requires looking north for 24 hours to be "a thing". It has to be opposite what happens in the far north. I took the snapshot below, on December 18th. And the conversation took place two weeks earlier.
Polar Man, the Antarctic Sasquatch! Is the only reference to a 24 hour sun in Antarctica. ;-)
This was the ultimate debunk of the fake diagram.
Jake's argument was based on sunrise and sunset azimuth angles. But he never noticed the diverging sun paths! He missed the diverging azimuth angles! Diverging azimuth angles are the ultimate debunk now! But, before I discovered the diverging azimuth angles, I made a masterpiece video on shadows (2 versions below). But the penny didn't drop for him.
Shadows video, complete minicourse (original).
We don't even need shadows to debunk the fake diagram! Although it's super cool to know how shadows work on flat earth (only) and don't work on a globe! Nothing works on a globe!
Video 8. (original!) SHADOWS PROVE Sun circling above
People still use the fake diagram to claim flat earth does not have a working model, no circling sun over a Gleason map.🙈🙉🙊
Shadows video, complete minicourse (remixed).
The information is presented in reverse order, and the part about finding north with shadow rotation, has been cut. This is the "Happy New Year!" version.
Video 9. SHADOWS A Deep Dive 😆😁😂
Shadows predicted by globe, do not exist.
This photo is a stand-alone debunk of the globe!
This photo is a stand-alone debunk of the globe!
If you believe you are being rotated to a higher elevation on a ball, which causes the sun to set below you behind a curved horizon (LoL!😃) then your shadow should get taller than you, if you stand in front of a wall as the sun sets.
Shadows tell you where the sun is and what it's doing.
The Analemma is a plot of the position of the sun in the sky, taken at the same time and place every day (or every week or even just once a month) you get a figure 8 loop. But the key observation is, that one loop is far bigger than the other, which makes perfect sense on flat earth ONLY! Like a lock and key fit, the figure 8 path of the sun overlays onto the flat earth map. The sun spirals between the Tropic of Cancer in the north, and the Tropic of Capricorn in the south (which is much bigger in circumference), so simple!😁
Plot of the position of the sun at 12 noon, everyday in 2006. From the Royal Observatory, Greenwhich, England. |
Video 10. A Year In The Life Of The Sun
"Why the analemma is the shape it is has to do with the tilt of the earth's axis relative to its orbit around the sun, and the fact that the orbit is elliptical rather than circular. Exactly why these two factors combine to create the shape that you see is a bit like the s-bend of a toilet: very hard to get your head around!"
"If you watch carefully you will see that a prominent building gets obliterated by the big explosion. It's something I've always wanted to do to that building." Hobart is a city in Tasmania, Australia at latitude 42°52′
Northern (Arctic) Midnight sun.
Video 11. 360° camera pan, proves circling sun.
Chasing the circling sun, flight from New York to Moscow.
Video 12. Direct observational proof of circling sun over a Gleason map.
Perfectly straight line, sunrise to noon.
The sun's path should be a curve, if you live on a giant ball spinning you.
Normandy, France (49° N) SE sunrise. Facing the light source, sunrise and sunset will converge in front of you. |
Just like a jet plane approaches you and flies over you (and away from you).
Drake Passage SW sunset hours away from Antarctic circle (66°)
Diverging sun rays tells you the sun is local, not far away. Snapshot from Video 3, above. |
Obviously! We have a small local circling sun.
Captain Ross 1841 (77° S January 28)
Captain Ross, an early explorer, made three trips to Antarctica and not once did he mention a sun visible for 24 hours, or a midnight sun. See excerpt below from this link. (
Captain James Clark Ross took command of the 370-tonne EREBUS with his friend Francis Crozier assuming command of the 340-tonne TERROR.
Antarctica was the new challenge.
On October 5, 1839, EREBUS and TERROR left England on their southern voyage...on New Year's Day, 1841, they crossed the Antarctic Circle.
On January 28, there was another surprise: Beaufort Island (first charted by Ross in 1841, 77° south latitude, 21 kilometers north of Ross Island) and Mt. Erebus (the name given to the active volcano on Ross Island). Robert McCormick, EREBUS'S surgeon, described the discovery as "a stupendous volcanic mountain in a high state of activity".
Dr. Hooker ran to grab his notebook and quickly wrote down his reaction:
"All the coast one mass of dazzling beautiful peaks of snow which, when the sun approached the horizon, reflected the most brilliant tints of golden yellow and scarlet; and then to see the dark cloud of smoke, tinged with flame, rising from the volcano in a perfectly unbroken column, one side jet-black, the other giving back the colors of the sun ...This was a sight so surpassing everything that can be imagined...that it really caused a feeling of awe to steal over us at the consideration of our own comparative insignificance and helplessness, and at the same time, an indescribable feeling of the greatness of the Creator in the works of His hand."
The peak was 12,400 feet above sea level and was belching flame and smoke. Ross named it Mount Erebus and the smaller extinct volcano to the east, Mount Terror.
"Dr. Hooker ran to grab his notebook and quickly wrote down his reaction"
Captain James Clark Ross took command of the 370-tonne EREBUS with his friend Francis Crozier assuming command of the 340-tonne TERROR.
Antarctica was the new challenge.
On October 5, 1839, EREBUS and TERROR left England on their southern voyage...on New Year's Day, 1841, they crossed the Antarctic Circle.
On January 28, there was another surprise: Beaufort Island (first charted by Ross in 1841, 77° south latitude, 21 kilometers north of Ross Island) and Mt. Erebus (the name given to the active volcano on Ross Island). Robert McCormick, EREBUS'S surgeon, described the discovery as "a stupendous volcanic mountain in a high state of activity".
Dr. Hooker ran to grab his notebook and quickly wrote down his reaction:
"All the coast one mass of dazzling beautiful peaks of snow which, when the sun approached the horizon, reflected the most brilliant tints of golden yellow and scarlet; and then to see the dark cloud of smoke, tinged with flame, rising from the volcano in a perfectly unbroken column, one side jet-black, the other giving back the colors of the sun ...This was a sight so surpassing everything that can be imagined...that it really caused a feeling of awe to steal over us at the consideration of our own comparative insignificance and helplessness, and at the same time, an indescribable feeling of the greatness of the Creator in the works of His hand."
The peak was 12,400 feet above sea level and was belching flame and smoke. Ross named it Mount Erebus and the smaller extinct volcano to the east, Mount Terror.
"Dr. Hooker ran to grab his notebook and quickly wrote down his reaction"
"when the sun approached the horizon"
If you want to see the sun setting in Antarctica, you must face south (physically & geometrically impossible on a globe). From the Antarctic circle at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula to Beaufort Island 600 miles further south, you never see the sun move counterclockwise in the opposite direction going right to left (unless you look north around noon).
81° 30' S, the Ross ice shelf near Cape Crozier Ross Sea Antarctica, is around 200 feet tall (Michel-Roggo). More pictures? Just search! |
Water requires a container. Antarctica is the highest continent on earth (due to thick ice sheets) and like a giant circular bulwark, it contains the oceans. It is physically impossible to go much beyond 80° latitude, all you see is an endless flat white plain, and the sunlight soon runs out, making thee coldest place on earth even more deadly.
No GPS in Antarctica.
Video 13. No GPS in ANTARCTICA can only mean one thing: FLAT EARTH
Why can't you just go and explore the edge of earth? Norwegian sailor Jarle Andhoy believes we are born free, therefore we live free. Learn about this modern day Viking, who was treated like a terrorist just because he sailed to Antarctica with friends. Three died on board the Berzerk, while Jarle and a friend were on ATV's trying to reach the fake south pole. Did New Zealand authorities sink that ship, you be the judge: 1) blog, 2) blog, 3) video, 4) video.
Video 14. Antarctica: Sorry We're Closed! Our Hidden Flat Earth (No, you just CAN'T go to the edge)
If you live on a globe, there should only be one "South Pole" and no matter where you are on the Antarctic Circle, the distance to the "South Pole" should be the same, right? WRONG!!! Google doesn't see it that way at all, watch the short video below.
Video 15. South Pole Debunked - Flat Earth Wins Again!
In the spinning globe model of earth, Antarctica is an ice continent which covers the bottom of the globe from 78° South latitude to 90° and is therefore not more than 12,000 miles in circumference. Many early explorers including Captain Cook and James Clark Ross, however, in attempting Antarctic circumnavigation took 3 to 4 years and clocked 50-60,000 miles around. The British ship Challenger also made an indirect but complete circumnavigation of Antarctica traversing 69,000 miles. These routes only make sense on the flat earth map!
Video 16. Aviation: Great Circle Routes or just a GREATER HOAX???
Image 6. United Nations flag is a "hidden in plain sight" flat earth clue! It makes sense that the soon-to-be headquarters of world government knows what the earth looks like. Click to enlarge. |
Dead reckoning is the process of calculating one's position, especially at sea, by estimating the direction and distance traveled rather than by using landmarks, astronomical observations, or electronic navigation methods. For example, say you are caught in a storm and you have no electronics and you cannot use the sextant (mechanical navigational instrument) because you cannot see the stars or the moon or the sun, what do you do? You estimate your current position, based on your last known position, based upon known or estimated speeds over elapsed time and course. This works fine north of the equator, but dead reckoning always fails in the south. This is a direct result of the fact that longitude diverges south of the equator. Navigating in the south, while thinking you were on a globe, has often times resulted in disaster and death:
"Captain Woodside, of the American barkentine Echo, at Capetown, in June, 1898, says that on 12th January, 1896, being without observation for two days and sailing a straight course at 250 miles a day, he expected to be about 100 miles to the southward, and a long way to the eastward of Gough Island, in latitude 40° south; but was startled to find the ship making straight for the island, and barely escaped shipwreck. The Philena Winslaw was wrecked there 25 years ago, and there are remains of numerous other wrecks."
"This proves that although the usual allowance for shorter longitudes in the south had been made, the ship's position was not known. There must, therefore, be something wrong with the assumed length of degrees of longitude in the south. In the case above referred to, the ship was going to the eastward, and had an allowance in excess of the usual length of a degree of longitude been made, so as to correspond to what the length of degrees are at 40° south latitude, the ship's longitude would have been known. That it (longitude) was not known proves that degrees are longer at 40° south latitude than at the same latitude north of the equator."
"This proves that although the usual allowance for shorter longitudes in the south had been made, the ship's position was not known. There must, therefore, be something wrong with the assumed length of degrees of longitude in the south. In the case above referred to, the ship was going to the eastward, and had an allowance in excess of the usual length of a degree of longitude been made, so as to correspond to what the length of degrees are at 40° south latitude, the ship's longitude would have been known. That it (longitude) was not known proves that degrees are longer at 40° south latitude than at the same latitude north of the equator."
The equator is thousands of miles smaller than the fake globe religion says it is. If you think the equator is as big as the globe religion claims, think again, because you will be proven wrong by commercial shipping routes, nothing goes west from South America. Even from North America, you must stop at some Islands before reaching Australia (see Video 17 below) and they are called The Navigation Islands!
The equator is thousands of miles smaller than the fake globe religion says it is. If you think the equator is as big as the globe religion claims, think again, because you will be proven wrong by commercial shipping routes, nothing goes west from South America. Even from North America, you must stop at some Islands before reaching Australia (see Video 17 below) and they are called The Navigation Islands!
michio kaku niel degrasse tyson parents plus zig zag sun
More direct proof comes from actual distance traveled by ships as recorded in their log books. We have two examples from the DISTANCES chapter of Thomas Winship's book. This information was used to calculate the real size of Australia (see Video 18 below). The author continues:
Video 18. REAL SIZE OF AUSTRALIA 3666.96 KM Sydney to Perth as crow flies based on ship log sailing distances
I have further weight of evidence on this important branch of our
subject, by comparing the theoretical measurements of the supposed
"globe" with the distances actually made in sailing. These data, which I
now submit, prove clearly to any unprejudiced mind, that the world
cannot be the globe of astronomical imagination; but that it is an
outstretched circular plane, without axial or orbital motion.
Sir Robert Ball, in his "Story of the Heavens," page 163, informs the reader that: "The dimensions of the earth are known with a high degree of accuracy."
This writer is recognised as an able exponent of globular hypotheses, and it is generally conceded that what he says may be regarded as correct. Let us now enquire with what high degree of accuracy the dimensions of the earth are known. If the earth be the globe it is generally said to be, it is evident that the further we go south from the equator, the smaller will the circles be, and no circle south of the equator could be equal to that at the equator.
Sir Robert Ball, in his "Story of the Heavens," page 163, informs the reader that: "The dimensions of the earth are known with a high degree of accuracy."
This writer is recognised as an able exponent of globular hypotheses, and it is generally conceded that what he says may be regarded as correct. Let us now enquire with what high degree of accuracy the dimensions of the earth are known. If the earth be the globe it is generally said to be, it is evident that the further we go south from the equator, the smaller will the circles be, and no circle south of the equator could be equal to that at the equator.
SHIP LOG: S.S. Nithsdale
The S.S. Nithsdale, of Glasgow, Captain Hadden, sailed from Hamelin Bay,
in Western Australia, on 8th January, 1898, arriving at Port Natal on
1st February, 1898, having steamed 4,519 nautical miles. Her log, of
which the chief officer, Mr. Boyle (also a passed Master), kindly gave
me a copy, shows that she did not make quite a rhumb line track.
Hamelin Bay is in latitude 34° south and longitude 115° 5' east. Port Natal is situated in latitude 29° 53' south and 31° 4' east longitude. The difference of latitude being so small, we shall not get far out if we take the middle latitude, viz.: 32° south. The difference of longitude is 84° 1' or 4.28 of the complete circle of 360° round the world. Something must be added to the ship's log so as to bring the distance up to the rhumb line track, say 100 miles; therefore, to find the distance round the world at 32° south it is only necessary to solve the following problem:
According to the ship's log, the distance travelled is 4,519 nautical miles, and we added 100 to that to approximate the rumb line track. 4,619 nautical miles is 5,390 statute miles. This is the distance travelled along 84° 1' of the circumference of a 360° circle at 32° south latitude. X/5,390=360/84 therefore X=(5,390)(4.28) thus X=23,000 miles, nearly.
This is several thousand miles in excess of what the distance would or could be on a globe. And further south on a globe, the distance would be less.
Hamelin Bay is in latitude 34° south and longitude 115° 5' east. Port Natal is situated in latitude 29° 53' south and 31° 4' east longitude. The difference of latitude being so small, we shall not get far out if we take the middle latitude, viz.: 32° south. The difference of longitude is 84° 1' or 4.28 of the complete circle of 360° round the world. Something must be added to the ship's log so as to bring the distance up to the rhumb line track, say 100 miles; therefore, to find the distance round the world at 32° south it is only necessary to solve the following problem:
According to the ship's log, the distance travelled is 4,519 nautical miles, and we added 100 to that to approximate the rumb line track. 4,619 nautical miles is 5,390 statute miles. This is the distance travelled along 84° 1' of the circumference of a 360° circle at 32° south latitude. X/5,390=360/84 therefore X=(5,390)(4.28) thus X=23,000 miles, nearly.
This is several thousand miles in excess of what the distance would or could be on a globe. And further south on a globe, the distance would be less.
SHIP LOG: H.M.S. Challenger
"In the 'Cruise of H.M.S. Challenger,' by W. J. J. Spry, the distance made good from the Cape of Good Hope to Melbourne is stated to be 7,637 miles. The Cape is in latitude 34° 31' south and Melbourne in latitude 37° south, the longitude of the Cape being 18° 30' east and Melbourne 145° east. The middle latitude is 35½°. Difference of longitude 126½°, which makes the distance round the world at that latitude (35½°) to be over 25,000 statute miles and as great as the equator is said to be. This latter distance is many thousand miles more than the purely theoretical measurement of the world at that latitude south. Thus we see on reliable evidence that the further we go south the greater is the distance round the world. From the same work, we find the distance from Sydney to Wellington to be 1,432 miles. The middle latitude is 37½°, and the difference of longitude 23° 36', which gives as the distance round the world at latitude 37½° south, 25,500 statute miles! This distance is again greater than the greatest distance round the 'globe' is said to be and many thousands of miles greater than could be the case on a globe.
Thus, on purely practical data, apart from any theory, the world is proved to diverge as the south is approached and not to converge, as it would do on a globe."
Official map of the USGS (United States Geological Survey)
Video 19 (below) is a compilation of a series of videos, presented as a YouTube playlist. He has since removed the first video, which calculates the distance from Sydney to Perth, as being 4003 km, compared to Google's 3295 km "as the crow flies". Globeheads were furious at how he did his calculation, using 60 nautical miles to the degree at that latitude. Using the ship log data above, we get 56 nautical miles to the degree, at 33° South Latitude (the middle latitude between Sydney and Perth). Multiply by 36° between the two, and you get 2016 nautical miles or 3733 kilometers, as the true width of Australia, east to west (rhumb line). It lines up nicely with the length of the Indian Pacific railway! The total length is 4352 km and includes the longest stretch of straight railway in the world. Cook is located along that stretch, and the distance Perth to Cook is about 1500 km. Then, using that
distance (as a measuring stick), I showed an approximate "as the crow flies" distance of 3666 km for Sydney to Perth! (See video 18, above.) The Indian Pacific railway just doesn't fit on
a 3295 km wide Australia, it is way to short, it places the railway a few hundred kilometers into the ocean, if we lived on a globe! This is in concordance with the ship log data above, which proves the equator is much smaller than claimed, and that longitude IN FACT diverges as you go south!
➧Welcome to flat earth